ESOCS Devotional 9 October
TEXT: ACTS 16:23-40 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “And they departed from the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His Name; and daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.” Acts 5:41-42 KJV
The pathway of an evangelical minister is fraught with obstacles, persecution, frustration, and death traps, occasioned by the wicked reactions of evil men and demonic agents. But the minister, knowing that what he stands to gain in the end for preaching Christ and promoting the kingdom business, is enormous, should not be deterred.
In our text today, we see that following the great works of Paul and Silas, which was graced with signs and wonders, their reward from men was shameful torture and imprisonment (Acts 16:23). Peter and others were also manhandled and humiliated for the gospel’s sake, but they remained fortified against all denials (Acts 5:17-24).
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Dear ministers of the gospel, learn to stand strong, even in the face of grave danger. St. Paul in Romans 8.35 asked, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or peril, or sword?” You may answer for yourself, but only stand strong as the apostles of old.
- In Acts 16:22-23, we see the humiliation meted out to Paul and Silas for the sake of Christ Jesus. How prepared are we for such high-level attacks – even from constituted authorities?
- Lord my God, I need the grace of encouragement and patience to bear the cross of Christ. Amen.
FURTHER READING: Psalm 127:1-5; Isaiah 11:1-10; Ephesians 6:1-8; Revelation 14:1-7
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ESOCS Devotional 9 October