ESOCS Devotional 11 November 2021
TEXT: MATHEW 25:31-46
MEMORY VERSE: “All nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them (the people) from one another as a shepherd separates his sheep from the goats” (Mathew 25:32 AMP).
Everyone will someday give account of his or her life on earth to God. Every minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ will account for what they preached and what he failed to preach. Presidents, governors, all in positions of authority, and every one of us will one days stand before God to account for how we spend our lives on earth. The rich will account for how he used his wealth. People in different positions of responsibility within and outside the Church will give account of their stewardship.
There will be a great separation in the end: the sheep from the goats. Into which group would we fall – sheep or goats. Such questions should worry us because once the separation is done, it will irreversible.
Let us check our life constantly to ensure that we would not be listed among those to be counted unworthy to enter into eternal life with the Lord. We should be ever mindful of the end of time, and be meticulous about the kind of life we live. All the satisfaction the world can give in this present life amount to nothing, compared to the bliss that heaven has in store for believers who would remain faithful to the end. The Bible says, “However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (1 Cor. 2:9 NIV).
Let us think again, and rest our hope on that promise. It would be profitable to work towards that paradise that God would give us; rather than enjoy the pleasures of this present sinful world and end up in the lake of fire that burns with sulphur. It won’t make any sense. God is calling us to true repentance, and to set our minds on returning home to Him after our life on earth.
- Ensure that you meet God’s expectation for your life.
- Lord, create in me the heart to be faithful to the end.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Proverbs 26:1-12; Job 41:1-34; Acts 24:1-23
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ESOCS Devotional 11 November 2021