ESOCS Devotional 8 December 2021
MEMORY VERSE: “And God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them, be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth” (Genesis 9:1 KJV).
From the very beginning, man was created to be fruitful. It was man’s inheritance. But his disobedience brought a curse on him and made him lose that inheritance. However, that curse is no longer on him because he’s been redeemed. The questions that would come to most minds would be: ‘If truly I’ve been redeemed, why am I still suffering? Why am I experiencing failure in almost everything I do? Why am I not experiencing joy in my marital life, business, career, etc? This redemption is not automatic, I must say. It has to be activated. Just as one who buys a new sim card. For the sim to start functioning, he needs to get it activated by his network provider before he’ll be able to use it effectively. The same analogy applies in the kingdom, for you to start enjoying a highly decorated glorious life. All you have to do is to humbly request to be activated.
You must be born again: Salvation is the first and the most important step to enjoying a fruitful life as your inheritance. Noah was just and perfect before God. This is the primary key to fruitfulness.
Make God’s word your best friend: There’s a place that God has planted you, which you have to discover by the help of the Holy Spirit who knows all things. You only flourish where you’re planted. How do I walk according to God’s divine will? His Word, the Bible, contains all that you need to do to be fruitful in life.
Walk in obedience to His instructions: Your fruitfulness is relative to your obedience to His word. Noah walked with God and obeyed every instruction given. The result is what we are reading.
Be diligent: Can you find a person diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings and not mean men. David’s divine calling, which led to his fruitfulness came on the platform of diligence. God’s word says that whatever good thing your hand finds to do, do it with all energy.
- Write down the difficulties you have while trying to live a fruitful life and commune with God in prayers about them.
- Heavenly Father, help me to live for you so that I will be fruitful
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Genesis 12:1-5; 17:1-8
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ESOCS Devotional 8 December 2021