ESOCS Devotional 6 December 2021
MEMORY VERSE: “And Noah builded an altar unto the Lord and took of every clean beast, and of every fowl and offered burnt offerings on the altar” (Genesis 8:20 KJV).
Offerings are special gifts given to God as a way of showing our appreciation for what He has done for us. In our text, we read how Noah built an altar unto the Lord to make offerings for saving the lives of his household.
Key things to note about offerings:
- Burnt offering indicates a heart of thanksgiving.
- Thanksgiving attracts blessings from the Lord.
- It provokes God to intercede for man.
- It also causes God to establish His covenant with man.
Our text explained God’s reaction towards Noah’s burnt offering: “God smelled a sweet savour and the Lord said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake …”
Let us learn to give offerings unto the Lord with all our heart so that our offering will ascend to God like a sweet-smelling savour, and God will open the windows of blessings and establish His covenant with us and our entire household, in Jesus name.
- Outline the various ways you have defaulted in offering unto the Lord and write down how you intend to correct them.
- Dear Lord, give me a heart of giving and let my offering be acceptable in thy sight, in Jesus’ name.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Genesis 9:1-17; Psalms 51:17-19
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ESOCS Devotional 7 December 2021