ESOCS Devotional 6 October 2021
TEXT: MATTHEW 14: 22-36
MEMORY VERSE: “But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30 KJV).
Early in the morning, the disciples were fishing in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, and saw a being walking on the sea towards them, and which they thought was a ghost (Luke 24:37). Jesus knew their plight; and He thus came to them with a miracle that manifested His power over natural laws. “It is I,” which is to say “I AM He” “Be not afraid” (Ex. 3:14’ Isaiah 41:4). At this point in time, The Messiah proved Himself to be the manifestation of the great “I AM” in their midst. Surely the presence of the Master at this moment of trial, brought them peace of mind.
In response to the word of the Master, Peter, still somehow doubtful, answered, “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee in the water” (vs. 28b) KJV. This request, the Lord granted him; and he stepped into the water and began to walk toward Jesus. But soon, after a few courageous steps, Peter’s imperfect faith was manifested, and his confidence began to waver, likely because he took his focus off Jesus and began to focus on the environment, and he began to sink.
But the Lord stretched out His hands and grabbed Peter to safety, saying “O thou of little faith. Wherefore didst thou doubt?” (vs. 31b). It follows therefore that, in the midst of the stormy trials of life, all men should remain focused on Jesus. He is ever there for us. Also, man’s inability to cope with the storms of life affords God the opportunity to stretch out His helping hands. Therefore, all that men need to do is reach for God (Matt. 6:30; Ex. 14:10-16). He is ever there. His mighty Arms fail not. Fear not, rather always rekindle your faith through The Word.
- Make efforts to trust God absolutely and do not have any iota of doubt.
- Lord, I know you can do all things. Please help my unbelief.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Ruth 3: 1-18; Zechariah 5:1-11; Acts 10:1-16
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ESOCS Devotional 6 October 2021