ESOCS Devotional 6 May 2021
TEXT: JAMES 5:7-20
MEMORY VERSE: “We call them happy because they endured. You have heard of Job’s patience, and you know how the Lord provided for him in the end…” (James 5:11 NIV)
To be patient is to wait for the result of your expectation without murmuring. Everything or situation on earth has a season. The season of life in the womb for a human is nine months. Animals and plants have their own seasons. If you must reap the fruit, you must wait for the season of harvest. In our text today, we read of the need for believers to be patient in the midst suffering.
The pains and deprivations we pass through in a bid to maintain godliness is like seed-sowing. The time of harvest would come, naturally; only be patient.
The Scripture advises us: “Be patient, then, brothers until the Lord’s coming. See how the farmer waits for the land to yield its valuable crop… You too be patient and stand firm….” (vv. 7-8 NIV). We should not murmur; but rather, let us be thankful to God for all things, and in all situations. There would be a reward if we do so.
We have got to learn from the example of early saints. From the time of Abraham till the early apostles until now, life has never been a bed of roses. There was always a trying period for each of them. Daniel was thrown into the lion’s den. Stephen was stoned to death. Abraham had a son at the age of one hundred years. Brethren, our ultimate goal is not earthly pleasure but to wear the crown of glory at last. The Bible reminds us: “Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord” (vv. 10, 11 NIV).
Let us wait patiently for the Lord. He would do what is best for us.
- How do you react when things don’t work out the way you expected it?
- Lord, please give me the spirit to be elastic in patience.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: 2 Samuel 24:15-25; Mark 15:1-20; Jeremiah 42:1-12
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ESOCS Devotional 6 May 2021