ESOCS Devotional 4 October 2021
TEXT: ACTS 9:20-31
ESOCS Devotional 4 October 2021
TEXT: MATTHEW 13: 44-58
MEMORY VERSE: “And he spake boldly in the Name of the Lord Jesus, and disputed against the Grecians; but they went about to slay him” (Acts 9:29).
After the miraculous conversion of Saul on his way to Damascus, it took him some days to regain physical strength; and having received the Holy Spirit by the laying of hands, he immediately launched out to preach Jesus as the Son of God (v 20). As one who was personally commissioned by the Lord Jesus Himself into the apostleship profession, he was endowed with great powers from above.
We can understand the surprise and indescribable disappointment of the Jews (v 21), at this unexpected turn of events. Saul was one of them – a Pharisee to the core, and their hit-man for that matter. It was therefore intolerable for them to just sit back and watch him work against them, in such a vigorous manner. Hence, they earnestly plotted to kill him. he also suffered many losses. However, regardless of the Jewish opposition and all that suffered and lost, Paul increased in boldness by the day. He confidently proved to the Jews that Jesus was the Messiah written about in the Old Testament (Acts 9:22; 17:1-3; 18:28).
Are you called into this great ministry of reconciliation; dare you not ever think it will be rosy? Except you are doing a different thing altogether; then check yourself, check your activities, for some ministers today are actually operating the Church of Satan. – in the name of a Christian ministry. However, if your ministry is for real, it can never be rosy; it has never been rosy. From the Old Testament to the New, the labour of love in God’s vineyard has always been tough and rough. But the good news is that, there will always be joy at the end – including eternal life.
- How would you cope with the risk of Evangelism like Paul faced?
- Holy Spirit Divine, please give us the strength and courage to stay always.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Zechariah 3:1-10; Ruth 2:1-13; Matthew 14:1-12
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ESOCS Devotional 4 October 2021