ESOCS Devotional 4 November 2021
TEXT: MATHEW 24:1-14
MEMORY VERSE: “Jesus answered them, be careful that no one misleads you (deceiving you and leading you into error)” (Mathew 24:4 AMP).
Our God is a God of plan and purpose. The creation of man had a beginning (Gen. 1:26-28), and the present existence of man on earth will surely have an end. The disciples of Jesus asked him to tell them things that will happen to mark the end of this world and the beginning of eternal life. Jesus clearly states that nobody knows the exact time except the Father. He preceded this answer with a warming: “be careful that no one mislead you.”
Therefore, never believe anyone that gives you a date for the second coming of Jesus, no matter how advanced the theory may seem. Jesus spoke about the signs of the last days, as we saw in our text. The bible provides us with adequate information that will guide every believer as they prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Today, false prophets and teachers are everywhere, lovers of self, wars and rumours of war, earthquake, famines, doctrines of devils, the love of many are waxing cold, some are departing from the faith, etc. All these things and more, of which Jesus told His disciples are happening at an alarming rate all over the world.
These happenings are not to make people afraid but they are reminding us that the end of time is at hand, and that eternity awaits everyone: heaven or hell! These two places are real! Let no man deceive you! You are to decide where you would go. God finished His work of grace and redemption on the cross. The remaining part is in your hands. Nobody will do it for you. The Bible says, “… work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2:12 NKJV). The choice is entirely yours – heaven or hell!
- Repent and be born again. Live by the word of God only.
- Lord, give me the grace to live with the consciousness of eternity.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Proverbs 16:16-32; Job 28:12-28; Acts 21:1-16.
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ESOCS Devotional 4 November 2021