ESOCS Devotional 22 November 2021
TEXT: ESTHER 2:19-3:6
MEMORY VERSE: “During the time Mordecai was sitting at the king’s gate, Bigthana and Teresh, two of the king’s officers who guarded the doorway, became angry and conspired to assassinate King Xerxes” (Esther 2:21 NIV).
Conspiracy is sin. It has terribly consequences and brings bad rewards. People who indulge in it never have peace of mind. They always think evil in their hearts, and not good; and reap evil in return. Their hearts are always filled with mischief. They are shrewd contrivers of evil. Each time God searches their hearts, He sees wickedness, deceit, treachery, betrayal, disloyalty, duplicity, unfaithfulness, greed, and much more.
Such hearts are dirty in His sight; and He hates and abhors them. It is unprofitable to have such a heart; it does not bring any good reward. We should do away with such attitude because it brings only rewards in its kind: destruction and ruin. Bigthana and Teresh received the reward of their evil and wicked hearts; and they were hanged (v 23).
When people entice us to join in their conspiracy, we should refuse and resist them; and not join other to do things that are wrong. God said, “I will bless those who refuse to do wrong …” (Isa. 56:2 ERV). Among the kinds of people that God hates are “those who make evil plans or are quick to do wrong” (Prov. 6:18 CEV). Again, “It is good to learn what pleases the Lord, because he condemns those who plan to do wrong” (Prov. 12:2 CEV). For those who receive bribe or gifts and do wrong, the Bible says, “Whoever takes money to do wrong invites disaster. Refuse such gifts, and you will live” (Prov. 15:27 ERV).
It is best to develop in us the attitude to think good thoughts about others, and plan towards their wellbeing, as well as ours; and refuse to join other people to do wrong. God blesses and rewards such hearts richly.
- Think about it and see that there’s no gain in conspiracy.
- Father, give me the spirit to resist the temptation to do evil.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Matthew 27:38-44; 1 Chronicles 28:11-21; Acts. 28:16-31
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ESOCS Devotional 22 November 2021