ESOCS Devotional 22 February 2021
TEXT: LUKE 7:1-10
MEMORY VERSE: ““When Jesus heard this, he was amazed. Turning to the crowd that was following him, he said, “I tell you, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” Luke 7:9 NLT
Having examined the subject of Divine Intervention (Mercy) yesterday, it is important for every believer to activate this over his or her life. Yes, it can be activated. There is a dimension of God’s mercy that is regulated only by His justice system. For example: the air we breathe, the life we live. Lamentations 3:22-23 tells us that it is of the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, and that this mercy is renewed by the ordinance of God every morning. Being alive and breathing is regulated by the mercies of God built into the system of life. So, every day you are automatically recycled into this mercy. However, there are issues that need you to invite Him because in Genesis 6:3, God gave man His own will. Therefore, He will not just run into your live unless you authorize Him.
From our memory verse, we can see that the centurion practically activated the miracle Jesus did to the extent that Jesus was even amazed. Let us consider few practical steps to activating the mercy of God.
Declare your weakness [2 Cor 12:9]: Declaring your weakness doesn’t make you a weakling but it is a Kingdom mystery for believers to be strengthened. Until you confess to Him that you can’t help yourself, just like the Centurion, you may never see Him (Jesus) working out things for you.
Come to the end of yourself: In Genesis 6:3, God formally announced His willingness never to strive with the will of man. That a man declares that he is weak does not automatically invoke the mercy of God, except he be willing to come to the end of himself and invite El Elyon. We can see that the Centurion understood the principles of authority; yet, he acknowledged and submitted himself to the authority of Jesus, though he was not with Him physically.
Know God: What you know about God is the dimension that will work for you. If you see Him as a mighty God, He will do mighty things. If you see Him as a miracle worker, He will do miraculous things for you. Once a believer comes to the knowledge of the love of God, as in Romans 8:31-32, he is at the realm of enjoying unending mercies. Jesus loves you too much to live you alone.
Trust [Psalm 32:10]: This works like a spell for anyone who enters into the realm of faith in God. He will attract an unusual dimension of mercy, such that before he cries out God will show up.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Are you so worried about your appointed moment of decoration?
Almighty God, may my situation attract your attention today.
FURTHER READING: Amos 3:6-15; Isaiah 47:1-9; 1 Corinthians 8:1-13
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ESOCS Devotional 22 February 2021