The hashtag, #NigeriansMustFall was the number one trending topic on Twitter yesterday, as some South Africans asked Nigerians to leave their country. This is because of an online video showing a woman, believed to be a South African, twerking for some Nigerian men.
The online video sparked outrage amongst few South Africans, as they believe the act is degrading of their women.
According to reports, the men spoke Yoruba language in the video as they hailed the lady who danced unclad to their amusement. The video which surfaced online yesterday, has generated reactions amongst South Africans, bent on seeing Nigerians leave the country. While some of them blamed the men for the shameful act as they believed the lady must have been drugged into doing such. A few of them blamed the lady, for the disturbing clips.
These South Africans are equally blaming Nigerians for the rot in the society, which includes drugging and raping their women, and are demanding Nigerians leave the country. Some of the Tweets can be seen below.