Fresh Manna 19 September
MEDITATION SCRIPTURE: “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” (2 Tim.1:7)
READ: 1 JOHN. 4:18
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines fear as “An unpleasant, often strong, emotion caused by anticipation or awareness of danger. Anticipation of danger simply means that the danger is not already present. This is one truth about fear. Most of the things you anticipate may happen, for which you are afraid, never really happen. For instance, a baby is convulsing; the mother thinks the child might die, so she becomes afraid. Now, in her fear, she cries out to her neighbors, who begin to give their different counsels. In the process, the child may be fed with a wrong and harmful substance that may cause death. In reality, the convulsion did not kill the child but wrong medication administered in fear.
Child of God, the gospel truth is that God has not given us the spirit of fear. You can be in charge; no matter what is happening around you. Understand this: for every time fear grips your heart, it creates a sense of urgency and hopelessness that forces you to do something before it is late. In most cases, what you do at that time is wrong, because your mind is clouded. Get this straight, your fear and panic do not move God to action; only faith does. The spirit of fear is devilish. It robs you of total confidence in God that controls life and death. It makes you forget the love and goodness of God on which your hope should anchor. Fear breeds anxiety, doubt and dangerous assumptions. These only open the door for Satan to achieve his purpose against your life. In the face of fear, turn to the LORD in prayer and praise, you will overcome.
TURNING POINT: Your fear and panic do not move God to action; only faith does.
PRAYER POINT: I rebuke the operations of the spirit of fear in my life, die in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you for studying today’s Fresh Manna (The Christian Pentecostal Mission International Daily Devotional) – Fear is an Enemy – written by REV. DR. O. EZEKIEL & REV. DR. M. EZEKIEL
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Fresh Manna 19 September 2021