Everyday Fragrance 7 August
As airlines have their time of flight, so time flies each day we spend on our journey living on earth. Every time we engage in activities that do not add value to us or we find ourselves in a situation that got us wondering where time went – time flight is at work.
- Make every moment count. Time is eternal. We are just living a portion of it on this side of eternity (earth)
We can take advantage of time flight through effective goal setting and applying ourselves to get things done through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we commune with God daily (through prayers and bible study), we receive guidance on what to invest our time and energies on.
Yours-in-Him, Joel Osebor
Prayer of Salvation:
Joel Invites you to make Jesus Christ the Lord over your life by saying this simple prayer.
O Lord God, in accordance with Your Word, I believe withmy heart that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe He died for me and has risen up in victory. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord over my life and affairs starting now! I declare that by Him I have everlasting life and that I am now Born Again. Thank you, Father for saving my soul from hell. I am a child of God. Praise the Lord, Halleluyah.
Congratulations to you. Welcome to the family of God.
Joel Osebor is one of God’s children, that has experienced recovery, restoration, reconciliation, and repositioning plans of God, through the redemptive works of Jesus Christ on the Cross. He is the President/CEO/Snr. Pastor of Fragrance Equip, FGI Solutions, and Fragrance of Grace International.
Everyday Fragrance 7 August