ESOCS Devotional 8 March 2021
MEMORY VERSE: “Do not be misled; Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV
We keep different companies wherever we find ourselves: in the church of God, in the market place; in our neighborhood; in the office, etc. We can call them friends but do we really know whom they are; the kind of life they live? There is a saying, “Show me your friend and I will tell you whom you are.” Another one is that “a man is known by the company he keeps.”
Unfortunately, many people have been involved in serious troubles they don’t know
anything about because of the people they were seen in their company. As children of God, we should be careful whom we associate with. For instance, people who have smokers as friends later join smoking instead of stopping them from smoking. Some were involved in armed robbery unknowingly because a friend told them to join them in an errand. The unfortunate ones were killed.
Who is your mentor or role model? Find out immediately before you are led to death or unexpected end. Does the character portray the life of a true child of God, does he play double standard? What is his way of life, what is his source of income before you cling to him for mentorship?
A good friend, whether in public or private, uses no corrupt words, no uncontrolled outbursts, no backbiting or spoiling other people’s names, no envying others progress but rejoices. Let us be careful about the company we keep. It can make or mar us.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Check the lifestyle of your friend to avoid being led astray.
Lord, help me to discern the true life of my friend, mentor and role model.
FURTHER READING: Isaiah 54:11-17; Hosea 6:1-6; Luke 10:17-24
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ESOCS Devotional 8 March 2021