ESOCS Devotional 30 April 2021
TEXT: JOHN 2:13-25
MEMORY VERSE: “Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover, in the feast day, many believed in his name, when they saw the miracles which he did.” John 2:23 KJV
Our text explains how Jesus went up to Jerusalem because the feast of Passover was at hand. He found those that were buying and selling in the temple and drove them out, explaining that His Father’s house should not be made an house of merchandise.
Our memory verse explains that many people believed on Him after seeing the numerous miracles He performed. To believe means to be persuaded and have confident trust in that which is believed on. To believe in the name of Jesus is to be persuaded and place our trust in Jesus’ authority (Matthew 28:18). Those who believe in the name of Jesus keep His commandments; therefore, they are born of God (1 John 5:1–5) and have eternal life (1 Jn. 5:13).
Those who believe and receive Jesus are those who realize they are helpless sinners who really need God’s salvation, and who open their hearts to accept Jesus as their Saviour. And it’s a kind of an all-or-nothing proposition. To really receive Jesus, we can’t have “Plan B” or some other means of escape. We can’t rely on anything or anyone else to save us. This is real belief. When we do so, God gives us “the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). In Greek, the word “right” literally means “power” or “freedom.” We have no power within ourselves to live as God’s children. But when we receive Jesus, God gives us that power and that freedom.
There are so many benefits that we enjoy when we believe in the name of Jesus Christ. They include:
- Joy and peace – Romans 5:1; 15:13
- Salvation for you and your household – Acts 16:31
- Ability to please God – Hebrews 11:6
- Divine protection – Psalm 91, Isaiah 54:17
- God will be our strength and shield – Psalm 28:7
- We are led by the Holy Spirit. Because of the saving work of Christ, we enjoy the new life of the Spirit. As His children, the Spirit of God testifies to our spirit that we are His children in a very unique way –Romans 8:15-17
- God disciplines us as His children – Hebrews 12:5-6
- We relate with other believers as members of one family – 1 Timothy 5:1-2.
- We imitate and honor our Father in heaven – Ephesians 5:1; Matthew 5:16
Being justified and pronounced righteous by God, we have peace with Him. We can live within His grace. We have joy even in the midst of difficulties, and we rejoice in the sure hope of glory.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Outline the things that hinder you from believing in the name of Jesus Christ?
Pray to God to help you believe in His name, so that you and your household will be saved.
FURTHER READING: John 3:3-6; Acts 16:25–31
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ESOCS Devotional 30 April 2021