ESOCS Devotional 27 July 2021
TEXT: NUMBERS 22:13-41
MEMORY VERSE: “For I will promote thee unto very great honor, and I will do whatsoever thou sayest unto me: come therefore, I pray thee, curse me this people.” (Numbers 22:17 KJV).
Balaam was one of those noteworthy Old Testament characters who, though not one of God’s chosen people, was willing to acknowledge that God was indeed a powerful God, but he did not believe that God was the only true God. He entered into his prophetic role seriously but with a mixed heart. He had some knowledge of God, but not enough to forsake his idolatry and greed and turn wholeheartedly to God.
What was his sin? He was ready to obey God’s command as long as he would profit from doing so. Although he said that he would not go against God just for silver and gold (v 18), but his resolve started slipping. His greed for the wealth the king offered him blinded him such that he could not see how God was trying to stop him. He also encouraged Israelites to worship idols. So, he couldn’t resist the tempting pull of money and idolatry (Numbers 31:8, 16; 2 Peter 2:15; Jude 1:11, Revelation 2:14). His life was a mixture of motives – obedience and profit; it eventually led to his death. He realized the awesome power of Israel’s God; yet, his heart was occupied with the wealth he could gain in Moab. In fact, he died in Moab.
We have so many Balaams in our churches today (Prophets, Church Leaders at various levels, etc.). We have lessons to learn from this.
We may know what God wants us to do (our calling), but we can be blinded by our greedy desire for money, possessions, or prestige. Who and what we are will somehow come to surface, destroying any masks we may have put on as a cover – self-deceit? But Balaam’s mistakes can be avoided by spending time to find answer to our sin. Also, we can concentrate on ourselves and know that God is ready to forgive and accept us back.
- Do you have any Balaam-like attitude in your life or church?
- Pray against such ungodly life and such people in the church.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Numbers 24; Deuteronomy 23:4, 5; Micah 6:5; Nehemiah 13:2
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ESOCS Devotional 27 July 2021