ESOCS Devotional 23 February 2023
TEXT: ISAIAH 22:15-22
MEMORY VERSE: ““Behold, the Lord will carry thee away with a mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee.” Isaiah 22:17
When a leader becomes materialistic, he ignores serving God and His warning to repent. He leads his people in the same direction such that many key in and forget God. In some cases, such a leader now relies on and boasts of the abundance of his wealth and external connections. Such was the case of Shebna. He was a high court official who was just as too materialistic as Jerusalem. He was also part of his people who relied on foreign alliances for help in case of foreign invasion. He forgot God because of materialism and God’s help in time of need because he forgot God. He ignored Isaiah’s warning. It was merriment galore for him and his people (Isaiah 22:13).
The consequences – he would be carried away. Again, he is the “nail” that will be pulled out of the wall, and his riches and glory will fall with it (v 25).
What is this teaching us as Christians, Church leaders and members? As Christians and Church leaders, our focus should primarily be on godliness first. God knows our needs. We can acquire wealth in line with God’s standards. We must not ignore God’s warning because it may be a way of bringing us back to track when we have missed it inadvertently or otherwise. The members should likewise not follow ungodly leading. What shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul? (Mark 8:36)
The prosperity gospel is rubbishing many Christians today. Don’t be part of them. Focus on materialism without God’s leading can bring down your ministry, the Church, the nation, etc.
- The gospel of materialism is taking over the world. Are you part of them?
- Lord, in all our activities, give us wisdom to the right way.
FURTHER READING: Ecclesiastes 2:11
Read Yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
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ESOCS Devotional 22 February 2023