ESOCS Devotional 18 July 2021
TEXT: 1 TIMOTHY 5:1-16
MEMORY VERSE: “Honour widows that are widows indeed” (1 Timothy 5:3 KJV).
Although many of the verses in our passage talk more of the widows in many ways, the passage is about how members can support the Church to take care of the poor in her midst, especially the widows.
Although Paul wanted Christian families to be as self-supporting as possible, he advised wealthy members to support the Church to show care to the poor. The Church has always had limited resources, and has always had to balance financial resources with generosity. Under this position, Paul said the Church should not support lazy members who refused to work (2 Thessalonians 3:10). He urged members to pool their resources together when necessary (Acts2:44-47), and help the widows among them (Acts 6:1-6). When Church members are generous, everyone’s needs can be met to a large extent. In the same vein, the Church should support those who have no families, and should also help the elderly, young, handicapped, ill, the widow (especially who has no means of livelihood). Families must also help their helpless.
Another area of care by families, Spiritual Leaders and the Church is the spiritual well-being of the poor and the widow. This can be done by praying for them, counselling them, giving them roles according to their ability to handle in the church, etc. Another serious area is that when members offer help, it should be with humility, respect, and love (1 Timothy 5: 1, 2).
We have so much to learn from the above. Those who take care of those in need are blessed (Acts 20:35). It unites the Church (Acts 4:32-37). Again, we pass godly legacy to our children. If our children see the way we care for the needs of others, they will understand the importance of such honour. Healthy, practical honour becomes a priceless gift that one generation gives to another, and on and on.
- What other ways can you assist the church apart from monetary?
- Ask God to show you your potentials and how to use them to serve others.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Matthew 14:13-21; 15:32-39; Mark 8:1-9; Acts 5:1-11
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ESOCS Devotional 18 July 2021