ESOCS Devotional 12 July 2021
TEXT: ACTS 9: 26-31
MEMORY VERSE: “And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. (Acts 9:26 KJV).
Reputation means one’s standing. Whatever one does affects his/her reputation. If somebody is an armed robber, he is known everywhere as such and it affects his standing; so, people run away from him. If the person stops stealing, it may be very difficult for the society to believe him; that fear and isolation will still be there. He would even become loathsome. That is why we must guard our reputation jealously. This was the case with Paul.
After his conversion (Acts 9:3-9), he had a terrible reputation issue with the Christians. They knew him as the one who had been persecuting and killing Christians (Acts 8:1). So, it left a permanent scare on him; not even Ananias would want to attend to him when God instructed him to do so at first instance (Acts 9:10:17). It took the intervention of Barnabas, a Jewish convert, to convince the Apostles (Acts 4:36, 37).
From the above we learnt that “a good name is better than precious ointment” (Ecclesiastes 7:1a). Also, it is difficult to make people believe one that has changed from ‘bad’ to ‘good’. Again, it takes the intervention of someone who has a very good reputation in the society or in the Christian fold to change the already formed opinion of the people before they can accept that an once tormenter of the people has turned a new leaf. It takes a long time too. Guard your reputation; shun all manners of evil (1 Thessalonians 5:22).
It is important to recognize Barnabas’ role. This teaches us that new converts, especially those with tarnished reputations, need sponsors, brethren who would come alongside, encourage, teach, and introduce them to believers. Incidentally, the same Paul later stood for Onesimus- a deserter (Philemon 1:10).
A good name is better than riches. Reputation once soiled, is difficult to regain. Be a good child of God.
- Are there factors affecting your reputation?
- Humbly ask God to give you the power to overcome reputation issues.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Acts 9; Philemon 1
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ESOCS Devotional 12 July 2021