ESOCS Devotional 1 July
TEXT: DANIEL 2:17-36
MEMORY VERSE: “But there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries.” Daniel 2:28a
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream in his second year. He was troubled because of the dream. He asked all his magicians to tell him the dream and the interpretations but they told him that no man magician, enchanter and astrologer on earth can do that. The king had decided to kill all of them if they did not tell and interpret the dreams.
Daniel, a servant of God whom God blessed with wisdom and skills and favour was used by God to show this power to the king. During the night God revealed the mystery to Daniel in a vision and Daniel praised the God of heaven.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Daniel told the King the dreams and the interpretations thereof. Therefore, never doubt the power of the Almighty God because He cannot change. He shows His power to disgrace the enemy.
- When did you experience the power of God personally?
PRAYER POINT: Pray that God show His power to your enemies.
FURTHER READING: Daniel 2:1-16; Acts 11:1-30
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This is ESOCS Devotional 1 July. Read other devotionals here.