ESOCS Devotional 1 August 2022
TEXT: JOHN 17:12-18
MEMORY VERSE: “I have given them your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.”John 17:14 KJV
0 And the apostles, when they had returned, told Him all that they had done. Then He took them and went aside privately into a deserted place belonging to the city called Bethsaida. 11 But when the multitudes knew it, they followed Him; and He received them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who had need of healing. 12 When the day began to wear away, the twelve came and said to Him, “Send the multitude away, that they may go into the surrounding towns and country, and lodge and get provisions; for we are in a deserted lace ”
The text today reveals Christ’s prayer for His disciples before leaving the earth to the Father. He testified about His ability to keep them safe while He was physically present with them; and the need for their safety when He is there. As a unifying factor, His absence would expose the disciples to the hatred of the world and to the attacks of Satan. Indeed, they experienced great opposition in pursuit of the gospel committed to their hands. Till this very moment, the Church of Christ has been under severe trials and persecutions, which seems to frustrate God’s grace in believers’ lives and ministries. However, believers must not give in to these afflictions nor be troubled and shaken in their hearts (2 Thess. 2:2-5; Matt. 5:10).
Jesus saw the danger ahead and offered prayers for His disciples. He knew that only through prayers and supplication with thanksgiving will our request be made known to God. No matter what you are passing through, pray to the Father. The second thing He asked for was the disciples’ sanctification (v 17). He stressed that this sanctification would be brought about by the truth; that is, by their increasing knowledge of God’s word, which would also attract hatred from the world, as it is opposed to God’s will till date. We live in a world that has no reverence for God’s word. Any man who is willing to stand with the word of God cannot stand with the world; he will be opposed, criticized, hated and persecuted. However, the Word of God remains his surest weapon with which to defeat the enemy and claim his victory.
The Bible advices that this word should dwell in us richly; and to achieve good success and prosperity, we must create time for the word (Josh.1:8).The challenge in our days is that the world system and its program have made it very difficult for contemporary Christians and believers to sit at the Master’s feet to learn of Him. Sometimes, we see prayer meetings to be more important than Bible studies.
- When last did you spend an hour with your Bible?
- Father, help me to cultivate the habit for effective Bible study.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Deuteronomy 4:1-23; Ezekiel 28:1-10; John 17:12-18; Ephesians 6:10-17; Titus 3:1-15
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ESOCS Devotional 1 August 2022