Daily Devo 14 July
…Whoever desires to be great among you must be your servant.— Mark 10:43 (AMPC)
From the book Love Out Loud – by Joyce Meyer
A servant is someone who lives to benefit others, one who sacrifices for another’s joy or fulfillment. Serving is the only status symbol in the kingdom of God. Jesus said servanthood makes a person great, and that no one can become great without it.
When it comes to serving others, we’re often like children who don’t want to eat our vegetables. We like the things that taste good, but easily ignore the things we really need to be healthy. When God began dealing with me about serving others, it was hard, but it has freed me from having a selfish attitude. What a completely awesome delight it is to actually wake up in the morning and find God and others on my mind first!
Read yesterday’s Daily Devo here
Don’t let selfishness rule in your life. Be aggressive in doing things for other people. As you do, you’ll find more joy in your heart than ever.
Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to see past myself to the wants and needs of others. Thank You for showing me where and how I can serve the people You’ve placed in my path today, and for giving me the strength to do it well. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Thanks for studying today’s Daily Devo – – by Joyce Meyer.
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Daily Devo 14th July 2020