In a heartbreaking turn of events, a man identified as Pastor Danny Prenell and his wife, Mrs. Gabby, has been hospitalized after sustaining gunshot injuries. The shocking incident took place on Wednesday evening in Mississippi, USA.
According to Oloye T.D Esq, a Twitter user, the incident, the couple had checked into the Hampton Inn and Suites in Mississippi earlier that afternoon, accompanied by their three children. However, tragedy struck when the pastor allegedly shot his wife twice before turning the gun on himself.
Mrs. Gabby is currently receiving critical care in the Intensive Care Unit, as she suffered wounds to her abdomen and arm. Meanwhile, her husband’s condition has stabilized, and he is also undergoing medical treatment.
The motive behind this distressing incident remains unknown at this time. The couple’s last public interaction occurred a week ago when Pastor Danny shared a heartfelt birthday message to his wife, referring to her as his queen and expressing his love and devotion.
In light of the situation, the children have been placed under the custody of Child Protective Services, to ensure their safety and well-being during this difficult period. As soon as Pastor Danny is discharged from the hospital, he will face trial on multiple felony charges stemming from this tragic event.