Rhapsody of Realities 8 April
Scripture: Sing to GOD a brand-new song, sing his praises all over the world! Let the sea and its fish give a round of applause, with all the far-flung islands joining in (Isaiah 42:10 MSG).
If we praise and worship the Lord accurately, by that I mean according to the Scriptures, we’ll experience and bask in His glory as He has determinedfor our lives. Jesus said, “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the father in spirit and in truth: for the father seeketh such to worship him” (John 4:23). Philippians 3:3 says we’re the true circumcision who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.
True worship of God is that which is done according to His Word. For example, the Word tells us to sing a “New Song” to the Lord! Yet, many haven’t thought this is important. The psalmist said, “O sing unto the LORD a new song: sing unto the LORD, all the earth. Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day” (Psalm 96:1–2).
Psalm 98:1 also says, “O sing unto the LORD a new song; for he hath done marvellous things: his right hand, and his holy arm, hath gotten him the victory.” Then, in Psalm 149:1, we’re encouraged to “…Sing unto the LORD a new song, and his praise in the congregation of saints.” Read what David, the prophet of God said in Psalm 144:9: “I will sing a new song unto thee, O God: upon a psaltery and an instrument of ten strings will I sing praises unto thee.”
Read yesterday’s Rhapsody of Realities here
Why does the Spirit admonish us to sing a new song to the Lord? It’s because the revelation of God’s Word given to His people increases. The Word doesn’t change, but the more you open your heart to the leading and tutelage of the Holy Spirit, the more you would know and see; the more knowledge will be granted you.
As the revelation and understanding of the Word increases, new songs are birthed through the Spirit. The wrong songs in worship have robbed the Church of her effectiveness for so long, and God wants a change. As we act on the Word, singing new songs in worship and praise to the Lord, with the right revelation of truth, His glory will fill the whole earth. We recently unveiled over 200 new songs that you can sing and translate in every language. Also join us during the Global Praise Services, transmitted live on Loveworld networks.
CONFESSION: Dear Father, thank you for putting in my heart a brand new song. As I proclaim your Word in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs and make melody in my heart to you, my spirit is stirred; I receive divine revelations, counsel, direction and guidance. Thank you for the ministry of the Spirit in my life, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Revelation 5:9 – 9 And [now] they sing a new song, saying, You are worthy to take the scroll and to break the seals that are on it, for You were slain (sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased men unto God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
Psalm 33:1-4 –
1 Rejoice in the Lord, O you [uncompromisingly] righteous [you upright in right standing with God]; for praise is becoming andappropriate for those who are upright [in heart].
2 Give thanks to the Lord with the lyre; sing praises to Him with the harp of ten strings.
3 Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully [on the strings] with a loud and joyful sound.
4 For the word of the Lord is right; and all His work is done in faithfulness.
Isaiah 42:10 – 10 Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the end of the earth! You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, the islands and coastal regions and the inhabitants of them [sing a song such as has never been heard in the heathen world]!
1-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Luke 11:37-54 & Judges 5-6
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Romans 8:20-28 & Psalm 112-113
Thank you for studying today’s Rhapsody of Realities – Singing News Songs in Worship – written by Pastor Chris Oyakhilome.
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Rhapsody of Realities 8 April 2022