Rhapsody of Realities 13 November 2024: The Supernatural Transformation
Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.
As a child of God, you have a new nature. This is fundamental knowledge for every Christian, yet many haven’t fully grasped it. When you were born again, it wasn’t just a religious experience; it was a supernatural transformation. Something incredible took place in your spirit; a new man with a new nature came into being.
The human life you were born with was supplanted by the life and nature of God in Jesus Christ. This is the true meaning of being born again. The very life and nature of God that Jesus brought to this world, the organic and existential attributes of divinity, was imparted to your spirit. This is why Jesus came. He came to give you a new life, a supernatural life.
This is what 2 Corinthians 5:17 means: “…If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”. There’s been a supernatural transformation now that you’re born again. Therefore, it makes no difference what obtained in your natural life prior to your being born again; there’s a new you! Whether it was a disease, an infirmity, or any other limitation- now that you’re born again, there’s been a change.
The old “you” wasn’t renovated or revamped but recreated after the image of God that created you (Colossians 3:10). You were recreated to look like God and to function like Him. Glory to God! No wonder He says in Ephesians 4:24, “…put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.” This new you is created in righteousness and true holiness, perfected in Christ.
Read Yesterday’s Rhapsody of Realities Here
There’s nothing that’s supposed to be in you that isn’t in you now. Also, there’s nothing that shouldn’t be in you that’s in you. Now you can understand why He says, “all things have become new”; everything in your life is new now that you’re born again. It’s crucial that you know this truth. Your acknowledgement of it activates its power in your life as the Bible says, “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus” (Philemon1:6). Hallelujah!
PRAYER: Dear Father, I acknowledge that I’m a new creature in Christ; old things, including sickness, disease, infirmity, and all kinds of limitations have passed away, and all things have become new. I walk in the knowledge of this truth, and its power is fully activated in my life to live the transcendent life and walk in the fullness of my new nature in Christ, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Colossians 3:8-10
But now put away and rid yourselves [completely] of all these things: anger, rage, bad feeling toward others, curses and slander, and foulmouthed abuse and shameful utterances from your lips!
9 Do not lie to one another, for you have stripped off the old (unregenerate) self with its evil practices,
10 And have clothed yourselves with the new [spiritual self], which is [ever in the process of being] renewed and remolded into [fuller and more perfect knowledge upon] knowledge after the image (the likeness) of Him Who created it.
Romans 6:4
We were buried therefore with Him by the baptism into death, so that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious [power] of the Father, so we too might [habitually] live and behave in newness of life.
1 Corinthians 6:11
And such some of you were [once]. But you were washed clean (purified by a complete atonement for sin and made free from the guilt of sin), and you were consecrated (set apart, hallowed), and you were justified [pronounced righteous, by trusting] in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the [Holy] Spirit of our God.
1 – YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: Hebrews 11:1-16 & Ezekiel 5-7
2-YEAR BIBLE READING PLAN: 1 John 1:1-10 & Ezekiel 44
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Rhapsody of Realities 13 November 2024
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