TEXT: Proverbs 29:9-16
KEY VERSE: “If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.” – (Proverbs 29:12)
The things we read, hear and give attention to provide the basis for the ideas that we hold and the values we attach to various issues and subjects in life. If we give heed to false teaching and false doctrine, we will stumble and get our faith corrupted.
The Christian who is in position of influence must take up the challenge to exert only a righteous influence and promote the truth in his domain. He should give no room for backbiting, and must shun sycophants.
Christian leaders in the church or in the secular places of authority should know that it pertains to our eternal salvation to refuse the perverted modern gospel that promises everything but a pure heart and a holy heaven.
An old man who got converted a few months before his final home call revealed his heart cry when he said, “I don’t want any sympathy or falsehood around me. I want every preacher and every teacher to tell me the truth even if doing of it shall cost me self-esteem, or estate, or friends or even my own life”.
We should, therefore, allow the love of the eternal truth of God’s word to be so firmly rooted in our hearts that we may produce fruits of righteousness to save our soul from hell. Remember, “all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone.”
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Holding to the truth secures full salvation.