Some officials of Julius Berger carrying out demolition along the Iloabuchi Road, have been accused of collecting money from landlords to spare their buildings.
Some shop owners at the Abel Jumbo axis of the Road said the officials were offered thirty thousand naira by the landlords to allow them remove rods and other properties in their buildings.
The aggrieved shop owners stated that they were not allowed to remove theirs because they failed to offer them money.
A food vendor who pleaded anonymity also accused the officials of claiming rods and other properties from demolished buildings.
She said the officials claimed that the items now belong to them as government has paid for everything.
It was gathered that the incident caused panic in the area before local vigilante officials intervened and pleaded with the officials to let go of the items.
Meanwhile, two officials of the Company, in a chat with us debunked the allegation noting that no such thing happened.
They accused the shop owners of trying to sabotage their work.