By Dr Sarah Chidiebere Joe
New Writing Tasks
Task 1: Write a news report based on the headline and picture below. Make up the facts and information by answering some or all of the following questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? You must relate your newspaper report to both the headline and the picture.
Purpose and Audience: to report on an event for the readers of a newspaper.
Length: 5-6 paragraphs
Criteria for a Pass Mark: You will earn a high score if your Lead is related to the Headline; all 5Ws and H are included in the Lead; the body contains enough detail; you do not include personal opinion; you do not exceed the number of paragraphs, and you use proper spelling and grammar.
Headline: Atiku Deletes Social Media Posts After Threats From Extremists

Task 2: Listen and Watch the News as shown in the link below. Then, develop a Television News Script for sections 21:17 – 25:06 and 27:42 -29:10.
See a sample TV News Script below:

Click below for a quick reminder on Basic camera Angles and the Difference between an A-roll and B-roll.
Download the Lecture Notes on Writing for the Mass Media HERE