ESOCS Devotional 9 November 2021
TEXT: MATHEW 25:1-13
MEMORY VERSE: “While the bridegroom lingered and was slow in coming, they all began nodding their heads, and they fell asleep” (Matthew 25:5 AMP).
The coming again of our Lord is likened to coming of the bridegroom. We are the invited guests. If we prepare well and keep ourselves clean, we would be given the wedding garment of holiness, righteousness, and purity to qualify to enter the banquet hall. On the other hand, spiritual filthiness would disqualify us.
Many people fall asleep in the Christian race. Like Eutychus, they fall into the valley of spiritual slumber and die, but spiritually (Acts 20:9-10). For they do not live true Christian life. However, we hope that Christ would wake them up, just like Paul brought Eutychus back to life.
To be among those that would enter the banquet hall on the resurrection morning, we need to do a number of things. We must be born again. We need to ensure that we have truly made Jesus the Lord of our life. We must live a sanctified lifestyle. There is need for us to turn away from the world, embrace the word of God in its entirety and moderate our life by it. We should completely surrender our hearts and minds to the leading and direction of the Holy Spirit. We must discipline ourselves consciously to the extent that we become like Jesus in attitude, conduct, and character. Our lifestyle should reflect the life of the saints. God should see in us His Son Jesus Christ, the hope of all glory; that is, we should carry in us the identity of Christ, for He expects us to conform to His image and likeness (Gen. 1:26; Rom. 8:29).
We must set our goals right, and make them our priorities in life, so that we would not become losers at the end.
- Sit yourself down, honestly review and evaluate your life to find out if you qualify to enter the Lord’s banquet hall, as at today
- Oh Lord, help me to prepared for your return.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Proverbs 24:19-34; Job 39:1-30; Acts 22:22-29; 23:1- 11
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ESOCS Devotional 9 November 2021