ESOCS Devotional 8 August
TEXT: Jude 1: 13-25
MEMORY VERSE: “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” Jude 1:3
If the need arises, will you be willing to defend the faith? Your answer will probably be yes. But let me put it in another way. In your Christian environment, are there things you have observed that are being done or creeping into the system that are against what Christianity teaches? Are you willing to stand up for Christ and speak against them? Which of those things have you stood up against, not minding what it will cost you? Jude shows us in this letter how the purity of the church is corrupted and the need not to take the love and grace of God for granted, for when the people of God corrupts themselves, they will not be spared from God’s judgment. For this, he exhorts believers to stand and fight for the faith.
It is important to note the issues raised in this letter.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
- Agents of Satan, who from of old have been condemned, will usually creep in among the children of God, who most of the times are unaware of this. They will corrupt the gospel of Christ and lead many astray into sin and denying the Lord. We ought to be on guard, pray, and insist on the gospel. If it is not in accord with the gospel, we should resist it.
- It is important to remember that the same people God saved from Egypt, suffered great consequences in the hands of the Lord when they acted as unbelievers. God did not spare them. He did not also spare the angels that corrupted themselves, neither did He spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrha. Plainly put, God will punish sin and destroy sinners, irrespective of group or person. Hence, for your sake and for the sake of other believers, every Christian needs to stand up for the Faith.
- Some of the tale-tale things that serve as warning signs in people include:
- Filthy conduct: they are comfortable with acts and behavior that defiles the flesh. “Christians” with immoral conduct, especially Christian leaders, will not be able to maintain the purity of the church but will rather corrupt the church.
- Disrespectfulness: this sort of people are proud, they have a bloated sense of self-worth and have no respect for authorities. They also will go into conflict at the slightest provocation. Gentleness, meekness, temperance, goodness, peace, and love are all fruits of the Spirit. They are the evidence that one is truly regenerate. Anyone who does not have them is a cause for worry.
- Speaking evil of others: the words from the children of God are seasoned with salt. They seek to edify, encourage, , and build up. They will not speak evil of others. A “Christian” who is constantly speaking evil of others should be watched and examined.
Satan is subtle; he will use every means to corrupt the church, and most times, he does this in a very subtle manner. The remedy is to know the word of God, trust God in His word, and stand up for it. If it is not in harmony with the word of God, then it is not from God.
- Why do you think many Christians today fear to stand for the Faith?
- Father, give me the heart to love you and the strength to stand up for you. Amen
FURTHER READING: Habakkuk 3:14-19; Zephaniah 1:1-13; Romans 1:1-15; 1:16-32
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ESOCS Devotional 8th August