ESOCS Devotional 6 January 2021
MEMORY VERSE: “And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.” Rev. 20:10 NKJV
A man who sets out to engage in business takes the decision to set his priorities right first. He carries out broad investigation about the things to do to enhance success, and avoid those things that would make him end in failure. He analyses the facts he obtains, for they are the realities he would encounter in the process of conducting that particular business or venture. Then, he applies diligence in his investment, and pursues his goals with determination, zeal, discipline, and interest. At the end, he would become successful, and never loses.
The Christian race is not different, the question is, have we set our priorities right? We must set our priorities right to succeed. We must think deeply and extensively about what we actually want out of life at the end of time. What is our goal of becoming Christians? Yes, there is just one overriding goal; and that is to escape the fire of hell and make heaven. How much have we given serious thought to this matter? What considerations have we given to the need to find out the truth concerning God’s desire from us in our daily life? Have we sat down to think about our eternity, where we would spend it? Do we really think about the things that might make us miss heaven, and end up with everlasting punishment in the lake of fire?
The end time harvest is fast approaching. The angels are ready and waiting for the loud trumpet to sound, and the harvest would begin. Would we be among the saints that would enter into the Lord’s rest? The Christians that would be found blameless would go to be with the Lord forever. Would we be in their number? Such thoughts should flood our minds always. They are spiritual exercises that we should not neglect or take casually.
In Revelation 14:4, the Bible describes to us the quality of people that would be accepted into the paradise of God: “These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins.” This is the first category. They are pure in their hearts and are exceptionally clean. They are like new born babies that have not been contaminated by the sins and lusts of the world. They exploited the abundant grace of God in Christ to discipline themselves to live by the word and commandments of God. They consciously keep themselves from sin.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
The second category are “…the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These were redeemed from among men, being firstfruits to God and to the Lamb.” For them, Christ is their leader, guide, teacher, and mentor. They obey Him perfectly and do whatever He tells them to do (John 2:5). He is the Light that shows them the right path to heaven and they would follow that Light wherever He leads them. Such people do no walk in darkness and they do not stumble.
Another category consists of people who “… in their mouth was found no deceit, for they are without fault before the throne of God.” Essentially, they are truthful, honest, trustworthy, reliable, and carry in their bosom the righteousness and holiness of God. There is not guilt in them; they bridle their tongue and say only things that edify, and words that are filled with the wisdom of God. These ones are true sons and daughters of God indeed. Do we belong to any of these categories?
Like Paul, let us fight tirelessly. The battle is rife and intensive. The evil one is busy garnering willing souls to himself, for he knows that his time is very short. Only people who are ready to fight the good fight of faith would escape his snares, and win the crown of glory. Let us fight earnestly that we might win.
Have you determined to escape the fire of hell? How serious are you with the kingdom race?
Pray God to give a mind that is conscious of holy living.
FURTHER READING: Isaiah 3:1-8; 24:1-23; Matthew 24:1-14
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ESOCS Devotional 6 January 2021