ESOCS Devotional 5 June 2021
TEXT: LUKE 7:1-17
MEMORY VERSE: “And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her, and said unto her, weep not.”(Luke 7:13 KJV).
Compassion is the deep awareness of the suffering, pain, and agony of another person; and having the desire to relieve it. It is putting yourself in another’s person stead. Compassion is the centre of Jesus’ ministry. It was compassion that brought Him down to earth in the first instance. Everything He did throughout His earthly ministry was driven by compassion. It was the same compassion that took Him to the cross, down to the grave, and also compelled His resurrection that sealed our victory over sin and the devil. Hallelujah!
In like manner, as believers, our lives can only take the right direction to fulfilling God’s purpose daily if we live by compassion. In relating to people everywhere, we should think, speak, act, and react with compassion. Great hearts possess this quality, and it is important that we develop it in us. It would set us apart as a special people of God; and we would be ready instruments in His hands, and a royal diadem, too.
Jesus is compassion personified; and the miracles recorded from His earthly ministry were rooted in this attribute. As an essential attribute, it would enable us to empathise towards others in the distress, feel their pains and grief, and bring them out of it to God’s glory. As Christians, this should be our lot, and an undying flavour in us.
- Consciously identify areas of your life that fight compassion in you and work on them.
- Lord, give me a compassionate heart, and a heart filled with godly love, kindness, and mercy.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Numbers 12:1-16; Deuteronomy 5:1-18; Revelation 21:18-36
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ESOCS Devotional 5 June 2021