ESOCS Devotional 29 August
TEXT: Revelation 7: 1-17
MEMORY VERSE: “Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, ‘Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?’ And I said unto him, ‘Sir, you know.’ So he said to me, ‘These are the ones who come out of great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Revelation 7:13-14
I am looking forward to that marvelous time when the rule of Christ would begin, which would usher in the reign of peace; and then, purity and love shall abound; hatred shall cease; war shall be no more; and lust, oppression, crime shall be erased from our world. At the time, we shall know true peace and joy in our world; and Christ shall reign supreme in our hearts.
I am looking forward to that day when I shall wear a white robe and be standing around the throne of God with the angels, the twenty-four elders, and the triumphant saints. I hope to see at that time, an angel of God point at me and say to a prophet, “He is one of those who have come out of the great tribulation and washed his garment and made it white in the blood of the Lamb.”
I am looking forward to that time when, with the saints triumphant, I shall gather at the river where bright angels’ feet have trod, with its crystal tide forever flowing by the throne of God; and there I shall see my Saviour face to face. For I remember now with deep feelings of joy, the day I made my Lord Jesus my choice; and I keep rejoicing everyday each time I think about it. That day would ever remain a happy one to me; for that was when my Lord washed my sins away and taught me how to pray as I keep rejoicing every day.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
I am looking forward to that glorious morning when I shall step my feet on that land that is fairer than day and see my Saviour’s face as He is. Now, I can see that land by faith; and that makes me exceedingly glad. For I know my heavenly Father awaits me there to prepare me a dwelling place. There on that golden shore I shall join the heavenly choir to sing to the praise and glory of my Lord and King; and that would be the greatest thing that would have ever happened to me.
Knowing that the day is far spent, what is your hope? What is the value you have placed on your soul? Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you walking daily by the Saviour’s side? When the Lord Jesus shall appear again, will your garment be white? Will it be pure and bright like a shining star? Will your soul be ready the bright mansions prepared by the Saviour in heaven for us?
We are earnestly looking forward to that resurrection morning when we shall go to be with the Lord forever. Let us do all that we can and make it our priority to lay aside every garment that is stained with sin; and be washed in the blood of the Lamb. And so shall we reign with the Lord forever.
- You would need to examine your life daily to ensure that you do things that would lead you to heaven.
- You would need to erase the world and all its pleasures from your heart and mind completely before you can remain focused on the kingdom race.
- Pray that the Lord would help you to remain focused and steadfast.
FURTHER READING:2Samuel 5:1-16; 5: 17-25; 1 Corinthians 4:1-21; 5:1-13
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ESOCS Devotional 29th August