ESOCS Devotional 28 October 2021
MEMORY VERSE: “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13: 20. KJV).
Like they say, a man is known by the company he keeps. If one makes the wrong kind of friends, he would gradually emulate them, and over time, he would be wrong like them in attitude and lifestyle. But making friends with wise people would enable one develop good character.
Wise people walk in the ways of God. They moderate their life within the bounds of the principles of God’s word in all areas of their life: in Christian practices; in the conduct of business; in financial matters; in their marriages, in their relationship with people within and outside the church; and everywhere else.
They are careful to live a life of integrity, honesty, probity, and gentleness; and they are conscious not to do anything that would bring them disrepute. They maintain decorum in all circumstances, avoid sin, obey, and respect the commandments of God with a simple submissive heart.
Christians should learn to be wise in the things and ways of God, in order to enable them do only the things that are right in His sight. They must avoid the wrong kind of friends; those that may influence them negatively, into living life of sinfulness.
If anyone desires to be wise, let him make friends with Jesus, and the Hoy Spirit. Such a person would always receive divine impartation that would enable him live in uprightness. He will grow in God’s word, be cleansed by it, and become like Jesus in every way.
- If I consult too often, it will appear I am unwise. Do you agree?
- Lord My God, help me not to continue to look overly wise in my own eyes.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Job 6: 1-13; Matthew 21: 33-46; Acts 18: 22-19
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ESOCS Devotional 28 October 2021