ESOCS Devotional 28 June
TEXT: ACTS 9:1-16
MEMORY VERSE: “And he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the city, and it shall be told thee what thou must do.” Acts 9:6 KJV
Love has the capacity to search men out, irrespective of where they may be found. It is also not bound by a person’s lifestyle. Love indeed overlooks, mercy says no, and grace bypasses protocols, all geared towards achieving one purpose. A Christian song writer says:
In tenderness He sought me, weary and sick with sin,
And on his shoulders brought me back to His fold again,
While in His presence sang until the courts of heaven rang;
Oh the love that sought me, oh the blood that bought me,
Oh the grace that brought me to the fold,
Wondrous grace that brought me the fold.
(C&S Hymn 108)
This was the case of Saul turned Paul. While on his way to Damascus to persecute Christians, the Lord Jesus intercepted him and redirected his path to fulfilling his destiny. He became a good instrument in the hand of God for the gospel. There are several other persons in our time whose life took the same dimension. God intercepted them in the middle of their lives, and redirected the course of their destinies.
Why do we often see such interruptions?
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
a) For the Making of Ministers: “…But rise and stand upon thy feet: for I have appeared unto thee for this purpose, to make thee a minister” (Acts 26:16). God intercepts our lives to make us ministers of the Gospel. His purpose is to make us Ambassadors, representatives of Christ on earth. Unfortunately, many ministers have left their primary purpose of ministering to lives. They are now misleading them. They have bastardized word ministration, soul lifting music ministration, prophetic ministration, and others. They have neglected their true calling; they left our first work, which is to minister to people. They have abandoned the real purpose for which they were called.
b) To be a Witness: “…and a witness both of these things which thou seen, and those things which I will appear unto thee” (Acts 26:16). Have you ever considered where you would have been if Jesus did not encounter your life? What do you think would have happened to you, if not for such interception? Have you also taken time to look at several of your contemporaries that grew up with you, and how they all ended? What about those with whom you did something together that have not yet been delivered? Yet, here you are experiencing freedom. Beloved, God intercepted you, so that they may be converted. You were saved to salvage others; fulfil that purpose today.
BOTTOM LINE: It will be an abomination that God intercepted your life but you fail to fulfil the purpose of that interception.
- Appreciate God daily for the combined efforts of love, blood, and grace that helped you to be where you are today.
- Do not abuse the encounter you have with God by continuing in your evil ways.
- Step out today and fulfil the purpose of your interception, in ministry and evangelism.
PRAYER POINT: Lord, thank you, for the grace that found me just as I am. You did not allow me to continue my journey to hell. Oh Lord, whatever journey or plan I want to embark on that will not project your name, I ask that you intercept and abort it, in Jesus name. Amen
FURTHER READING: Ezekiel 23:32-49; 24:1-14; Acts 9:17-30