ESOCS Devotional 26 November
TEXT: JOB 34:1–20 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “For the work of a man shall he render unto him, and cause every man to find according to his ways.” Job 34:11 KJV
God is not able to do wickedness or commit iniquity, according to this passage; but He will render to every man according to His works, even though mercy belongs to Him (Job 35:10; 34: 11; Ps. 62:12). God is fair in all His judgment. For those who by patience continue in doing the will of God, seeking His glory and honour, will in the end enjoy eternal life, while those who are contentious, disobedient, untruthful, unrighteous, full of indignation, wrath, or wickedness will receive tribulation from God, as a result of their evil ways (Rom. 2:6-9). This is because God has no respect for persons whatsoever (Romans 2:11).
It is important to note that God’s judgment upon man will be by Jesus Christ, according to the gospel (Rom. 2: 16). Christians will stand before the judgment seat of God and will be accepted into eternal life because of the shed blood of Jesus Christ. But our free acceptance by grace through faith will be according to works, meaning that God will take the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and the “good deeds” by which we let the light of our faith shine (Matthew 5:16), and He will accept them as corroborating evidence of our faith. Do not be deceived, whatever you sow, you will reap (2 Cor. 5:10; Eccl. 12: 14, Gal. 6: 7).
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
- Have you been faithful in your works with God? What will God render to you for your work?
- Ask Him to help you to be faithful in your walk with Him.
FURTHER READING: Job 31:1-20; Hebrews 11:27-40; 13:1-15
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ESOCS Devotional 26 November