ESOCS Devotional 23 September
TEXT: 1 Kings 4:26-34 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “And there came of all people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all kings of the earth, which had heard of his wisdom.” 1 Kings 4:34 KJV
Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight. It is the ability to use knowledge and experience to make good decisions and judgments. It is the true application of knowledge. Practically, it is the ability to use intelligence, knowledge and understanding to think and act in such a way that common sense prevails and choices are beneficial and productive. It is associated with attributes like unbiased judgment, compassion, and virtues such as ethics and kindness. It begins and ends with the fear of the Lord whose knowledge is insight (Prov. 9:10).
The wisdom from above has many fruits (James3:17). Such was the Wisdom of Solomon. From our memory verse, we see that people from far and near came to see for themselves what they heard; especially the case he judged between two harlots over who owns the child in dispute. Throughout his reign, he applied his wisdom well because he sought after God. Peace, justice, security, and prosperity for his nation were the fruits of his wisdom. Other important fruits of wisdom are:
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
1. Wisdom brings gladness to the home (Prov. 29:3a).
2. It brings deliverance (Prov. 28: 26) from financial bondage, spiritual bondage, marital bondage, depression, etc.
3. It builds the individual, family, community, church, and nation (Prov. 24: 3).
The value of wisdom is seen in Solomon’s statement: “Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding” (Prov. 23:23).
An important message to leaders in our churches and nations is that they should know that Solomon was able to make wise decisions for his nation, choose the right staff for administration, judge wisely between disputing parties, recognize priorities, and gain perspective because he applied wisdom in his leadership. He sought after God, the owner and giver of wisdom.
- Do you lack wisdom to rule, judge, study the word, pray, and to live among people?
- Pray for God’s wisdom upon you, upon church leaders, the President of your nation, and all rulers.
FURTHER READING: 1 Kings 3: 15-27; I kings 4: 20-25; Proverbs 3:1-32; Proverbs 4:5-13
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ESOCS Devotional 23 September