ESOCS Devotional 22 September
TEXT: 1 Corinthians 7:14-25 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “And unto the married, I command, yet not I, but the Lord, let not the wife depart from her husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:10 KJV
Paul’s teaching that marriage should be permanent is a repetition of the teachings of Jesus Christ on the same matter (Mark 10:11, 12). By God’s standard, marriage should be long-lasting, life-lasting, enduring and undying despite many factors that may want to bring divorce. Such was the situation in the Corinthian church. They had the desire to serve God, but some of them thought they ought to divorce their pagan spouses and marry Christians. But Paul affirmed the marriage commitment- that God’s ideal is for marriages to stay together even when one spouse is not a believer (1 Cor.7:12-13). He advised that opting out of the marriage is not the solution but that the Christian spouse should try to win the other to Christ. His advice is based on the Old Testament injunction in Genesis 2:24, and Jesus Christ’s in Mark 10: 2-12. Paul rated the injunction on which he based his advice higher because it is an eternal principle, while his advice is a specific application.
Paul taught that the benefits of the believing and unbelieving spouses keeping their marriage go beyond the believing one converting the unbelieving one. He said the blessing could extend to others elsewhere who are in the same position if they keep their marriage without divorcing. Again, he said God regards such marriage as “sanctified” (set apart for His use) by the presence of one Christian spouse. The other does not receive salvation automatically but is helped by this relationship; the children too (1 Cor.7:14). Thus, they are holy until they are old enough to decide for themselves.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
In practical terms, many factors may induce divorce – poor financial standing, infertility, infidelity, poor educational background, impatience, intolerance, etc.
We have many lessons to learn from our text. Valid marriage covenants morally and spiritually entered, are binding. Simply being married to an unbeliever is not in itself a sin of disloyalty to God, but intentionally joining to a known unbeliever would be. The things of the world like riches should not lead to divorce if we do not have it the way we desire. If one spouse is not educationally sound, this should not lead to divorce. Infidelity is in many Christian homes; we should not divorce but pray over it; God makes good, things that are not good. Can we guarantee the second marriage? “Stay married,” Paul advised.
- Is there any life situation threatening your marriage and divorce is the option?
- As couples, do we study, share the word of God, and pray together?
- Ask God to avert any thing that may induce divorce in your marriage.
FURTHER READING: Genesis 2:24; Malachi 2:14-16; Mark 10:1-12
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ESOCS Devotional 22 September