ESOCS Devotional 22 November
TEXT: Hebrews 9: 18-28 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “And almost all things are by the law purged with blood and without shedding of blood is no remission.” Hebrews 9: 22 KJV
We cannot get around this important doctrine of salvation; it is only by the blood of Christ that remission of our sin is possible. Under the law, everything must be purified by blood (Lev. 14: 6, 14, 51–52). Everything needs to be ceremonially clean in the old covenant and without blood, there’s no cleansing. What the blood of animals did was cover the sin, but it could not cleanse it. It took the blood of Jesus for us to be cleansed.
All are justified and made upright and in right standing with God freely by His grace through the redemption, which is in Christ Jesus (Rom. 3: 24). God has set Jesus to be the propitiation through faith in His blood, for our sin to show God’s righteousness (Rom. 3:25). However, why blood? Why could God not choose something less costly? Leviticus 17:11 tells us that life is in the blood. For God, life and blood are synonymous. His economy of forgiveness is not just Blood Economy; it is a Life Economy. When we are given the blood of Christ, we receive the life of Christ. Jesus, in His blood, washes us clean and replaces our death with His life.
The shedding of the blood of Jesus, which has no sin or guilt, is the only blood required now to purify man from sin and reconcile man back to God the Father. By the offerings of Christ, this allows us to have peace with God (Romans 5:1), and having no more condemnation (Rom. 8:1).
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
- Have you been washed by the blood of Jesus?
- Thank God for the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed for you. Pray and ask for grace to be justified and made upright through the redemption, which is in Christ Jesus.
FURTHER READING: Job 28:1-11; 29:7-28; Hebrews 9:1-17
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ESOCS Devotional 22 November