ESOCS Devotional 19 September
TEXT: 1 Kings 1: 1-14 KJV
MEMORY VERSE: “Then Adonijah the son of Haggith exalted himself, saying, I will be king: and he prepared him chariots and horsemen, and fifty men to run before him.” 1 Kings 1: 5
When one exalts himself contrary to God’s perfect will, or in challenge to God’s divine plan and purpose, the result is self-defeat. Such was the case of Adonijah. His inordinate ambition and pride eventually blinded and destroyed him. Adonijah was David’s fourth son and the logical choice to succeed him as king. His first son, Ammon had been killed by Absalom for raping his sister (2 Sam.13:20-33); his second son, Daniel was mentioned only in genealogy (1 Chron.3:1) and probably died by this time; the third son, Absalom, died in an earlier rebellion (2 Sam. 18:1-18). Many people expected Adonijah to be the next king, but David and God had other plans (1 kings 1:17; 29-30; 1 Chron. 22:6-10). Adonijah decided to seize the throne without David’s knowledge. He knew that Solomon, not he, was David’s favourite to be the next king. What led Adonijah into this self-exaltation? Three principal factors as exposed below:
1. Pride – this is seen in: (i) the promoting of self (1Kings 1:5). But the Bible said we should allow another person to praise us and not we ourselves (Prov. 27:2). Pride leads to contention (Prov. 13:10); (ii) the celebration (1 kings 1:5, 9).The chariots and horsemen, and fifty men he took to run before him was the same tactic Absalom used to promote himself when he aspired evilly to be king; and (iii) the position he aspired to get- the throne.
2. Bad advisers – we may call them deceivers (1 Kings 1:7). The Bible said they helped him.
3. Poor Parenting – he came from a polygamous family. Each of David’s first six sons came from a different woman (2 Sam. 3:2-5). So, proper training was a far cry.
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
Some important lessons to learn here are; pride goes before a fall; bad advisers can cause our downfall if we heed their advice; parental training is very important; and we should seek God’s face before we act.
In reality, we have this challenge in some homes, churches, and governments today. Pride, inordinate ambition, and bad advisers make some people feel they ought to hold some offices or positions of authority much higher than their qualifications, knowledge, experience, training, and merit. This desire can cause much trouble. But the Bible warns that pride leads to contention (Prov.13:10). The family, Church, and government are not places for unholy competition. Self-exaltation can lead to self-defeat.
- Are there members in your church who are power and position drunk at all cost?
- Pray for the spirit of humility for the smooth running of the family, church, and government.
FURTHER READING: Proverbs16:19; Isaiah 57:15; Mark 7: 21-23; 1 Peter 5:6
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ESOCS Devotional 19 September