ESOCS Devotional 17 January 2023
MEMORY VERSE: “But because there is so much immorality, every man should have his own wife, and every woman should have her own husband.” 1 Corinthians 7:2 GNB
In view of the fact that there is this natural strong sexual drive within the human individual, men and women are advised to marry. This advice is consequent upon the fact that most people lack the innate discipline to control their sexual desires. The Bible advises that people should marry to avoid being tempted to commit fornication, which will cause them to lose their souls (Revelation 21:8). Moreover, God wants believers to keep the sexual side of their human nature untainted from sin. Thus, the Bible warns against such sexual sins as adultery, incest, sex with animals, prostitution, homosexuality, fornication, filthy talks and obscenity. Continuing in such serious sins will exclude one from the kingdom of God, (Leviticus 20:10-21). There is also the danger of roasting in a burning hell forever (Matthew 18:9).
Marital unfaithfulness against one’s partner was prohibited in the Old Testament Laws of God, as sin both against one’s spouse and against God. The New Testament not only considered the actual act of adultery sinful but also viewed impure sexual thoughts as sinful (Matthew 5:28).
In the very beginning, God intended for people to marry and help populate the world (Genesis 2:18). In our text, Saint Paul restates God’s instructions for the type of relationship that should be seen in a Christian community (Ephesians 5:22-31; 6:1-4). By insisting that each wife or husband must be attached to one partner, Paul indicated God’s original plan for marriage. In other words, one should have only one mate for all his or her life (Matthew 19:3-9). It follows therefore that polygamy was never part of God’s plan for the marriage relationship. The polygamist cannot effectively carry out the God-ordained responsibilities that are intended to create the home atmosphere in which children are to be nurtured in a godly manner.
Truly, it was typical for men and women in Bible times to be married and have children. However, Apostle Paul was not married. This was his state of singleness, which he considered to be a special gift from God. It enabled him to be fully devoted to the kingdom business. Note also that Paul did not try to make this state of singleness a standard for Christian service. Those who would prefer not to marry must ensure they maintain purity in this respect. However, note that it is better to marry than to live in hypocrisy.
- To remain single, but run around with women is a deadly endeavour. Do you agree?
- Lord, grant me the enabling grace of obedience to God’s instructions concerning sexual
FURTHER READING: Isaiah 65:1-16; Isaiah 45:14-17; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20
Read Yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
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ESOCS Devotional 17 January 2023