ESOCS Devotional 12 September 2021
TEXT: ROMANS 11:11-27
MEMORY VERSE: “Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia … the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing …” (Ezra 1:1 NKJV).
It was God’s time to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. He moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to accomplish His will. The pagan king willingly submitted himself to fulfil God’s purpose. He decreed that all nations under his kingdom should contribute materially to the project.
The point here is the readiness to obey God at all times, and in all things and situations. How sensitive and obedient have we been to His word and command? When He lays something in our heart to do, how well do we respond to Him? When the Holy Spirit speaks to us in our ears, do we follow His leading?
God has a divine project in our life. He desires to build His spiritual temple in our heart. What are doing about it? Have we responded obediently to His call for righteousness and holy living? How much have we used His word to moderate our lifestyle? Have we allowed the counsels of His word to make us stop bad habits, sinful attitudes, ungodly and unchristian characters and practices, and others?
Cyrus got the leading in his heart and immediately devoted himself with zeal. Do we have the same zeal for the things of God like him? Do we carry out God’s intention with such fervency? What about the commission to win and nurture souls for God’s kingdom? God wants to build temples in the hearts of many people. How much are we committed to this project? King Cyrus called on people everywhere to give their resources for the purpose, and they did. How much of our time have we committed to the business of soul winning and nurturing? To what extent have we given our financial and material resources to it, and other matters in God’s kingdom business?
These and many more are salient questions we should ask ourselves and provide the good answers now. Let’s not forget that a time would come when we would be required to provide same answers before God’s judgement throne. It’s a sure thing. Make no mistakes about it.
- Build the attitude of responding promptly to God’s demands.
- Lord, grant me the resources to invest in your kingdom business.
Read Other ESOCS Devotional here
FURTHER READING: Matthew 9:9-17; 2 Samuel 19:11-26; Romans 12:1-8
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ESOCS Devotional 12 September 2021