ESOCS Devotional 10 March 2023
TEXT: ISAIAH 62:6-12
MEMORY VERSE: “And give Him no rest, till He establish, and till He make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” Isaiah 62:7 KJV
Christians are to remind God of His own promises and what He has said about Zion, the City of David, and His church. “A restless Saviour calls upon his people to be restless, and to make the Lord himself restless – to give him no rest till his chosen city is in full splendour, his chosen church complete and glorious.”
“Give him no rest” is our Lord’s own command to us concerning the great God. I do not suppose any of us ever advised a beggar to be importunate with us. Have you ever said to someone in need ‘Whenever you see me pass by ask me for a penny? If I do not give you one, run after me, or call after me all the way down the street. If that does not succeed, lay hold upon me, and do not let me go until I help you. Beg without ceasing. Our God does in effect say, ‘Press me! Urge me! Lay hold on my strength. Wrestle with me, as when a man wrestles with an opponent with the intention to defeat him. All this, and much more, is included in the expression, ‘Give him no rest.’
“And give him no rest” – Not let him alone, as he desired that Moses would, but wrestle with him as Jacob did, and not let him go without the blessing; be importunate with him, as the widow with the unjust judge; and be incessant in prayer:
“Until he establish” his church; which, though founded by him, and built upon the sure foundation of his laying, upon a rock, against which the gates of hell cannot prevail. “And till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth;” matter of praise; till the church and its members become famous in the world, and shall be praised by men, and God shall be praised for their sakes; for the purity of Gospel doctrines and ordinances; for unity in worship; for cordial love and affection to each other; for holiness of life and conversation; for number, and for figure, converts numerous. Christians are to pray without ceasing and remain in the faith.
- Do you give up easily in waiting on the Lord?
- Dear Lord, help me to steadfastly wait on thee, that I may not easily give up on thee, this I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
FURTHER READING: Ephesians 4:7-16; Ezekiel 1:4-14; Acts 15:35-41
Read Yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
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ESOCS Devotional 10 March 2023