ESOCS Devotional 1 June
TEXT: 1 SAMUEL 23:1-18
MEMORY VERSE: “Will the men of Keilah deliver me up into his hand? Will Saul come down, as thy servant has heard? O LORD God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy servant. And the LORD said, He will come.” 1 Samuel 23:11 KJV
There is a limit to the extent your knowledge can carry you. What you think you know has a point where it will be stuck; at that point you will need a fresh knowledge to make progress in the journey. Assumption should not be the option then, as you will only be moving as a disaster waiting to happen. Men who fail to enquire expire too early. Thus, enquiry is the gateway to a non-stop, limitless, unprecedented, result-oriented journey in life.
King David before his enthronement, though with the anointing, upon enquiry had gone to Keilah to save her from the hand of the Philistines. Then the news came to him that King Saul had concluded plans to attack him in Keilah. To know what the outcome of that mischievous visit will be and what should be his next action, David enquired of the Lord.
Beloved, come to the point where you do not take any action without proper enquiry. Never step an inch without enquiring from God, come to that point. What will enquiry do for me? Here are a few of them. (a) When you enquire, you acquire. It takes good inquisition to have a wonderful acquisition. Upon enquiry, there is the acquiring of knowledge, wisdom, abundant blessing, and great strength (Kind David acquired strength to pursue, overtake, and recover all when he enquired of the Lord).
Read yesterday’s ESOCS Devotional here
(b) When you enquire, you hear: Until a man is current in heaven, he may not be current on earth. It takes a man who enquires to hear from God. Whatever it is that you want God to speak, enquire from Him and be sure to hear it. May you hear God today and always, in Jesus name.
(c) When you enquire, you are preserved: There is a strong connection between the prophetic and preservation (Hosea 12:13). David’s enquiry gave the information that propelled the action for his safety. Enquiry gives you access to preservation secrets.
BOTTOM LINE: Never embark on any journey or project (business, financial, academic, marital, ministerial etc.) without first enquiring from God, so that you do not land-crash.
CHALLENGES: Never outgrow knowledge, enquire always. Take all matters of enquiry to God for solution through prayers.
PRAYER POINT: Father, we thank you for your word, thank you for your readiness to answer us always. Forgive our days of ignorance, and grant us more grace make recourse to you in every direction of our life, in Jesus name. Amen
FURTHER READING: 1 Samuel 23:19 –29; John 1:34-51; 2:1-15