Daily Devo 28 July
A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.— Proverbs 22:1 (AMPC)
From the book Love Out Loud – by Joyce Meyer
I want to ask you an important question today: Once your life on earth is complete, how do you want people to remember you? What do you want them to say about you? Do you want them to say, “That person worked 70 hours a week and made millions of dollars that they spent only on themselves. I wonder what’ll happen to their fortune now that they’re gone”? Or, do you want them to say, “That person was so kind, and helped bring the best out of me. They gave me a chance. They truly loved me”?
Most of the things we devote our time and energy to are just passing, earthly things—they won’t last, because they aren’t eternal. We strive to make more money, build businesses, be popular or own buildings, cars, clothes, and jewelry. Yet all of these things will fade away with time. Only love never comes to an end. An act of love goes on and endures forever.
Read yesterday’s Daily Devo here
Love Others Today: How you treat people today is the way they will remember you tomorrow.
Prayer Starter: Father, help me to remember what’s really important in each situation, and to take every opportunity to invest in those around me. Thank You for helping me leave a lasting legacy of showing Your love to others. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Thanks for studying today’s Daily Devo – – by Joyce Meyer.
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Daily Devo 28th July 2020