Daily Devo 27 July
…It is I, [the One] Who speaks in righteousness….— Isaiah 63:1 (AMPC)
From the book Hearing from God Each Morning – by Joyce Meyer
In the verse for today, God declares that He speaks, and when He does, He speaks in righteousness. We can always depend on what He says to be right. God speaks to us in many ways, including His Word, nature, other people, circumstances, peace, wisdom, supernatural intervention, dreams, visions, and sometimes just a “knowing” deep inside our hearts. He also speaks in what the Bible calls a “still, small voice.”
God also speaks through our conscience, through our desires, and even an audible voice. Always remember that when He speaks, what He says is true and it will never disagree with His written Word. We rarely hear God’s audible voice, though it does happen sometimes. I have heard His audible voice three or four times over the course of my life. On two of these occasions, I was sleeping, and His voice awakened me by simply calling my name. All I heard was “Joyce,” but I knew God was speaking. He didn’t say what He wanted, but I knew instinctively that He was calling me to do something special for Him, even though it was several years before I knew what it was.
Read yesterday’s Daily Devo here
I want to encourage you to ask God to help you hear His voice in whatever way He chooses to speak to you. Know that He loves you so much, He has good plans for your life, and He wants to talk to you and show them to you.
Prayer Starter: Father, please help me hear Your voice in each moment, however You decide to speak to me. Thank You for loving me and leading me today. In Jesus’ Name, amen.
Thanks for studying today’s Daily Devo – – by Joyce Meyer.
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Daily Devo 27th July 2020