10 May Daily Manna
TEXT: Job 22:1-20
KEY VERSE: “Is it any pleasure to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? or is it gain to him, that thou makest thy ways perfect?” – (Job 22:3)
What do you think of a student who thinks that working hard at his studies in order to have an excellent result will be to the benefit of his teachers and so decides not to do so just to get at his teacher? This action will be considered foolish of the student. This is because one’s personal success or wellbeing is ultimately for one’s personal good and happiness.
This is the point Eliphaz tried to drive home in the passage today. Though he ignorantly wanted to prove to Job that he was suffering for his sins and that his claim to righteousness and perfection is of no importance to God, yet he underscores a very important point here. Man’s uprightness and righteous living does God no favour. It does not add to or remove anything from His person.
Read yesterday’s Daily Manna here
When people understand this truth, they will not continue to think that they do God a favour by repenting and living a holy life. It is astonishing when some people begin to commit sin recklessly because they feel God has disappointed them. Just because answer to their prayer did not come early enough, they feel they can “punish” God by backsliding. How foolish! Who will face the punishment for such sinful lifestyle; God or such individuals?
It is true that the Lord is pleased with our holy living and has delights in it but ultimately, the benefits of such lifestyle are ours. We reap the benefits of divine favour when we choose to obey and please Him. Therefore, God’s call and command for us to live holy lives is for our ultimate good not His. It is wise then to heed such call and daily ask for grace to please Him.
10 May Daily Manna – THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: We live holy for our own profit.
THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: 1 Corinthians 8-11